Thursday, December 27, 2007

Skateboard Review: Tony Hawk Trick Tips

Tony Hawk Trick Tips is a poor trick tip video, even for complete beginners. The video goes in detail about the basics and fundamentals of skateboarding. You learn how to set up your board, how to turn, push, and some basic tricks. Tony Hawk performs each trick so you have a visual idea of how each trick is to be done, but there is nothing special here. If you truly want to get good at skating, don't bother with this video.

Tricks covered:

- Ollie
- 180 ollie
- Pop Shove-it
- Kickflip
- Heelflip
- Lipslide
- Frontside Boardslide
- 5-0 grind
- Basic mini-ramp tricks

Cost: $19.98 from
Length: 39 minutes

The video is fun to watch, whether or not you are trying to learn tricks, since it also contains skateboarding humor and a glimpse of the skateboarding culture. It's a decent starting point for those who just who want to learn a little about skateboarding, but don't really care to get better.

The instructions Tony Hawk gives can be found pretty much on any trick tips website. He spends about 1-2 minutes on each trick, so you miss out on a lot of the details for each trick. Also these trick tips video clips can be found on YouTube, so there's really no point in getting the DVD.


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